The Grass Is Greener with VoIP

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Did you know that voice over IP (VoIP) can do more than just save your company money? Did you know that VoIP can make your company greener?

VoIP can “green” your company in three key areas:
  • Reuse of your existing infrastructure
  • Increased ability to telecommute
  • Reduced resource consumption

Reuse of Your Existing Infrastructure
Public switched telephone networks (PSTNs), the traditional phone systems that power most offices, rely on dedicated but separate lines for their Internet and phone services. Such lines are much easier to install during the construction of an office—or at least before the creation of each workstation. This task requires trained professionals who may not work for your company. Any office move or new hire can result in the purchase or installation of more equipment whose manufacture, delivery, and maintenance tax our environment.

Installing VoIP equipment, especially if your service is cloud based, doesn’t require experts. Often, all that’s required a voice modem for each user, and those users can easily install the modem as they would any other computer peripheral. With VoIP, you can consolidate much of the infrastructure needed to run your Internet and phone services. The cost savings you get by reusing your existing infrastructure and utilities also make your business greener.

Increased Ability to Telecommute
Telecommuting eliminates the greenhouse gas emissions that result from travel to and from your office. VoIP enables your workers to make business calls from the comfort of their home offices or wherever a stable Internet connection is available. They no longer need to go to your office just to use your company’s phone lines. Allowing your workers to telecommute reduces the headcount on site as well as the need for office space and equipment. These cost savings add to your green bottom line.

Workers who telecommute most likely purchase their own Internet connections, and those connections are probably VoIP friendly. Therefore, your company may not have to pay for their Internet access. If your people have already bought a voice modem or headset that’s compatible with your company’s VoIP service, you may not need to secure any more equipment for them. The need for a trained professional to visit their homes to install a new phone line or equipment, as is the case with PSTNs, no longer exists. All of this means no more wasted material or wasted gas for a trip to the store or for a home delivery.
